Monday, 28 May 2018

UK's Orwellian Nightmare

I recently posted about a shocking statistic that was trying to be kept secret: that over 80% of child grooming gangs (in various parts of the UK) involve Muslims. Social media didn't like it, because it didn't fit the current narrative. Twitter not only banned the posts, but also banned certain people's accounts.

One of those accounts was Tommy Robinson. Whilst, on the one hand, I cannot say I agree with everything he stands for, on the other hand, he does stand for something. And in this current age of apathy and confusion, that is to be admired. He is someone who cares about the downward spiral that England is currently travelling.

One of the aspects of that spiral is that, in the current ideology of 'tolerance', Muslims are enforcing sharia law in non-Muslim countries, ignoring the national laws and the media is largely silent because it is deemed 'politically incorrect'. Tommy Robinson wants to make that sort of thing known, to wake people up to the reality that exists outside of the technological bubble.

One the morning of Friday 25th May, Tommy did a live-stream outside a courthouse where a trial was taking place regarding child grooming gangs. The perpetrators were Muslim. All nine of them. And the media was silent on it. Why? Because apparently the court had issued an order that the trial not be reported. So Tommy might have broken that. But why was the order issued? Was it really to 'protect' the perpetrators? Many other similar trials do not have such orders, only that names are not used. Such an order disregards freedom of the press, and it shows that even the courts are engaged in political correctness. Such a trial doesn't fit the current narrative and so it must be silenced.

But there's more at stake. Tommy was arrested during his live-stream. Note the word 'during', not 'for'. The officers, caught on camera (see the last link), gave the reason for his arrest being for "suspicion of breaching the peace", despite the fact, also caught on camera (same previous link), that Tommy was not breaching peace in any way. But even that is not the main problem. Tommy was then jailed, for "contempt of court".

He was arrested for one reason, then jailed for another.

That is not right. That shows that the police will do whatever it takes to arrest someone, and then 'find' a reason to put them in jail if they don't like that person (for example, if that person tries to expose the lies of the current narrative).

What followed was a huge silencing of reports on the situation. Any website or article that tried to expose the lies and show what was really happening was being blocked or shut down.

Articles which remained were largely condemning Tommy. Some people said he was targetting Muslims and therefore must be advocating hate speech (see this comments section). But how can one man cover everything? Other trials get reported. He is only seeking to expose that which is being kept hidden. If the government allowed mainstream media to do their job, and if the mainstream media took their responsibilities seriously, then there wouldn't be this mess in the first place. And there wouldn't be a need for people like Tommy to fight for freedom.

Here are some of the articles that have been archived, but are no longer accessible if you follow the link:

Arrested for live reporting on grooming gang trial

An article which (like this one) shows the problem of Tommy's arrest

Here are some sites that haven't been censored (yet) and show what has been going on:

Orwellian Nightmare

Arrested for journalism

Media crucifixion of Tommy Robinson

Media censorship

This is the reality of the situation in the UK.
Freedoms are being demolished.

Only one year ago, I had never heard of Tommy Robinson or the 'English Defence League'. When I found out about him, I didn't agree with his tactics. But, as time goes on, I find that what he stands for is far more admirable than the current government's authoritarian leadership.

Note: The false label of "far-right", in the current age, simply means "not far left". It's used as an insult, much like the word 'bigot' for people who uphold laws that have been in effect for centuries.

Friday, 4 May 2018

"People of Colour"

The current American 'politically correct' term to call non-white people is 'People of Colour, or POC for short. Because 'black' isn't politically correct, and not an 'accurate' description.

But then, 'white' isn't an accurate description either: the skin of a 'white' person is actually a bit pink, maybe a bit red, maybe a bit brown.

Essentially, we are all 'people of colour', it's just that some people like to exclude lighter-skinned people and bully them.

In any case, the term can't have been coined by a 'POI' (Person of Intelligence). Let's think of the logical conclusion to this...

In the English language, plurals are generally made by adding an 's' to the end of words. Acronyms are no exception, even though this is technically incorrect (e.g. DUIs for 'drivers under influence': note where the plural is).

This means that although 'POC' should technically be used for both 'person of colour' and 'people of colour' (much like the words 'sheep' and 'fish' which are both singular and plural), it gets transformed to 'POCs' for the plural.

And the problem with this is that 'POCs', when said as a word, sounds exactly the same as 'pox'... which is a term for a variety of diseases.

So, essentially, certain black people want to drive out supposed 'systematic racism' by demanding all black people are called something we use for diseases.

Now there's irony!!