Did you know that your contribution to climate change is based on how rich you are?
Obviously, if you are rich, you are able to get your car fixed so it doesn't blow out lots of black smoke.
Obviously, if you are rich, you can invest in renewable energy ideas like solar panels.
Obviously, if you are rich, you have many options available to you in order to reduce your "carbon footprint" because money is no object.
Well, apparently you would be wrong.
By being rich, you must therefore be contributing far more to climate change... not because of your lifestyle, but because you're rich.
What counts as "rich"? It's some arbitrary value someone made up.
Why do most people "know that climate change is mainly caused by rich people"? Because they assume that every rich person has a private jet that they use to go shopping with every day.
Why is climate change "mostly suffered by the poor"? Well, there's no real reason... it's just something they made up because they don't like the idea that some people have more money. If they can claim that poverty is a result of climate change (instead of poor life choices or poor circumstances a person was born into), then they can claim victimhood and reparations for year - decades - to come!!
What a victory!
And this is why I opposed the "global climate strike" on 20th September 2019. It's nonsense.
It's nonsense because the solutions don't aren't proportional to what the supposed "problem" is.
The "problem" is presented as "climate change", but the "solutions" are all about getting rid of rich people.
I did my bit for the strike: instead of walking, cycling or getting a lift from a co-worker, which is what I usually do to get to work, I drove myself.
This is why kids would have been far better staying at school... they would have been able to get educated instead of getting brainwashed by the left-wing, anti-capitalist rhetoric.
Obviously, if you are rich, you are able to get your car fixed so it doesn't blow out lots of black smoke.
Obviously, if you are rich, you can invest in renewable energy ideas like solar panels.
Obviously, if you are rich, you have many options available to you in order to reduce your "carbon footprint" because money is no object.
Well, apparently you would be wrong.

By being rich, you must therefore be contributing far more to climate change... not because of your lifestyle, but because you're rich.
What counts as "rich"? It's some arbitrary value someone made up.
Why do most people "know that climate change is mainly caused by rich people"? Because they assume that every rich person has a private jet that they use to go shopping with every day.
Why is climate change "mostly suffered by the poor"? Well, there's no real reason... it's just something they made up because they don't like the idea that some people have more money. If they can claim that poverty is a result of climate change (instead of poor life choices or poor circumstances a person was born into), then they can claim victimhood and reparations for year - decades - to come!!
What a victory!
And this is why I opposed the "global climate strike" on 20th September 2019. It's nonsense.
It's nonsense because the solutions don't aren't proportional to what the supposed "problem" is.
The "problem" is presented as "climate change", but the "solutions" are all about getting rid of rich people.
I did my bit for the strike: instead of walking, cycling or getting a lift from a co-worker, which is what I usually do to get to work, I drove myself.
This is why kids would have been far better staying at school... they would have been able to get educated instead of getting brainwashed by the left-wing, anti-capitalist rhetoric.
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