Friday, 16 October 2020

Biased New York Times

 I my previous post, I mentioned this article from the New York Times. Let's analyse it!

1.    "President Trump spoke positively about an extremist conspiracy-theory group..."

The group in question is "Q-Anon" which presents selected facts that show Democrats involved in a paedophile ring, satanic cults, and even suggesting that the Vatican is engaged in idol worship. You can find more about it here. It is important to note that the narrator encourages the viewer to do their own research and look it all up. There are actually a surprising amount of articles supporting it, but it may well be selected research.

2.    "On the central issue of the election, the coronavirus pandemic, the two candidates appeared to inhabit not just different television sets but different universes. Mr. Biden has made the full embrace of strict public health guidelines the centerpiece of his candidacy, while Mr. Trump has continued to defy even the recommendations of his own government on matters as basic as the use of masks..."

Rather interesting how they paint Biden as the "sensible" person... but what is meant by "strict public health guidelines"? Could it mean the shutdown of the country again? Most likely. That's not a position favoured by many Americans, or much of the rest of the world.

Interestingly, the media keep banging on about Trump and masks. In Trump's Town Hall, he commented that so many people keep touching their masks and fiddling with them. They are not the most sanitary of modern-day fashion accessories, and people rarely use them in the manner needed to keep them clean so that they slow the spread. That was the point Trump was making, but of course a biased article will take it out of context.

3.    "The president professed to have no knowledge of the group [Q-Anon], and as a result could not disavow it, but then demonstrated specific knowledge of one of its core conspiracy theories involving pedophilia that is entirely false.
'I know nothing about it,' Mr. Trump said. 'I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard.'

What's false here? Q-Anon really does not support paedophilia, and surely they should be commended for that? They even talk of Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile ring, and that is a verified fact.

It's interesting that the article devotes a large number of words to Q-Anon. The Host of Trump's Town Hall even brought up Trump and denouncing "white supremacy" (note: Trump has denounced white supremacy many times) and completely ignored Trump's comment that Joe Biden has never been asked to denounce BLM or Antifa (ironically, two anti-Trump groups that are supposedly 'anti-fascist' and yet use fascist tactics to push their agenda...). Since the host wasn't able to produce a newsworthy story about white supremacy, she turns to Q-Anon. This is why the left-wing of US politics are becoming more and more unlikeable: they continuously move the goalposts. For years, they've been asking Trump to denounce white supremacy (including recently!), despite him frequently doing so. When this host was confronted on it directly, she quickly pivoted to something else... just to produce a story for the anti-Trump press.

4.    "At the moment that Mr. Trump was effectively defending a fringe corner of the internet, Mr. Biden, the former vice president, was speaking about corporate tax rates and citing the business-analysis service Moody’s, underscoring the extraordinary gulf separating the two candidates in their worldviews, policies and connections to factual reality."

What a waste of words. This does not "underscore" anything.

5.    "With less than three weeks left in the presidential campaign, there was no sign from the town hall events that either candidate was diverging from the political tracks they laid down months ago, with Mr. Biden hewing close to a set of broadly popular views on economic and public health issues and Mr. Trump improvising freely, admitting no fault in his own record and hurling various forms of provocation."

Biden's views on the economy will cripple it. The "Green New Deal" (which Biden said he doesn't support in the first Presidential Debate, but really he does) will increase taxes, cripple the economy and implement socialism. It got slammed by many people, on both sides of the political spectrum, which is why Biden said he didn't support it, because he wants people to like him and vote for him. And this New York Times article is doing its part to push Joe Biden's agenda and tell people that "Orange Man Bad".

6.    "Indeed, their opposing presentations gave the impression that, had the two men been onstage together on Thursday evening, it might have unfolded much like their previous debate, which saw Mr. Trump hectoring and interrupting Mr. Biden for most of an hour and a half."

Actually, Biden and Trump were both interrupting each other, including the "moderator" Chris Wallace (who seemed like he was debating Trump more than Biden was). And, if you watch closely, you'll notice that it was actually Biden who started the interruptions, followed by Wallace.

7.    "Mr. Trump, by contrast, often flashed impatience with Ms. Guthrie’s persistent questioning ... The president sounded especially exasperated when she asked him to condemn white supremacy."

This is because the host spent twenty minutes quizzing Trump, when it was meant to be a Town Hall, where voters get to ask questions. The host should have kept her mouth shut and let the event be what it was supposed to be. As to "white supremacy", see the response at point 3, above. The white supremacy questions have to stop, because it's bad journalism and it's disingenuous.

8.    "Asked about a recent New York Times investigation that revealed he had paid minimal or no income taxes for years..."

Most of the media show time and again that they have zero understanding of taxes, and they present the story to readers who also have minimal understanding of taxes. It's this simple: no one likes paying taxes, and if there is a legal way to get out of paying them, a sensible person will take it. It's business. For more information, see here.

9.    "And he [Biden] jabbed at some of Mr. Trump’s more outlandish commentary on the virus, such as his suggestion that injecting disinfectant could help combat it.
'Crazy stuff,' Mr. Biden said. 'I’m not being facetious, though, I mean he actually said these things.'

See my previous post. Biden is outright lying. Although I doubt he thinks he is, because he can't remember if he's running for President or Senate, can't recite a percentage quoted to him a few seconds before, thinks he's been in office 180 years, and thinks that Trump has already been elected twice (which would actually mean he is not allowed to run again).

10.    "Even as the coronavirus continues to tear through the country, Mr. Trump insisted that the United States was 'rounding the corner' in the health crisis..."

Yes, that's because a vaccine is almost ready. But biased media coverage denies that Trump has spurred on the creation of a vaccine and would rather blame him for every single death, despite him having no control over how the virus came to the US.

11.   "'On the masks, you have two stories,' Mr. Trump said, claiming falsely that most people who wear masks contract the virus."

If Trump was claiming that "most people who wear masks contract the virus" then there would be a much better quote than this. Journalists need to be called out on this: they quote something, then add their own opinion. Most people don't pay attention to where the quote marks end the quote and so believe that Trump actually said things that he didn't (such as injecting disinfectant...). And that's how media brainwashing occurs.

12.    "Arguing that the United States had fared well enough in the coronavirus pandemic, Mr. Trump brandished several sheets of paper as he cited figures showing rising case counts in Europe..."

This is because US biased media want Americans to believe that the US has it worse than every other country. The truth is that if you look at the number of deaths per million population the US is not top, and other countries - in Europe and in other parts of the world - are worse. Yes, the US is pretty high up, but it's not an anomaly, and it's not the worst. Added to which, the CDC has said that 94% of China virus deaths are comorbidities, meaning that there were other factors at play which may well have been the real cause of death. That would put the USA much lower in the charts. So who's politicising the virus, eh?

13.    "Perhaps notably, Mr. Trump said he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power..."

It's interesting that this gets asked of Trump. Hillary Clinton still talks about having won the popular vote and doesn't seem to have truly accepted her defeat. She has also said that Biden should not concede the election. Funny how the biased media twists things and projects.

14.    "After the president tested positive for the coronavirus this month, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that the second scheduled encounter between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden would take place virtually, for safety reasons. Mr. Trump refused to participate in such an event, leading to its cancellation."

More twisting and convenient omission of facts here. Trump "tested" positive... past tense. He's now come through it and he's no longer infected. Hence, a live debate would have been possible. Joe Biden has been seen to often use teleprompters and scripts in virtual interviews and, quite rightly, Trump doesn't want that.

15.    "The president has been determined to return to campaigning as usual despite the apparent severity of the health issues he confronted, aware that time is running short and perhaps eager to dispel any perception among voters that he might be physically frail."

More outright lies by lying media. They have been desperate to push a narrative that Trump was very badly affected by the China virus, and they never let up, as evidenced in the quote above.

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