Tuesday, 24 November 2020

How to end fascism

 After the US election, after election day itself (which showed Trump winning) when a bunch of new votes, software glitches and other mysterious - and, of course, completely normal - things happened to give Biden the lead, a bunch of... "logically challenged"?* ... people celebrated the supposed "win against fascism".

Why was it a "win against fascism"? Because, obviously, Trump is the biggest fascist to ever walk the earth and apparently completely destroyed American values... (by upholding the law, denouncing white supremacy, donating his Presidential salary, not engaging in wars in the Middle East, brokering peace deals, and ultimately gaining the highest percentage of minority votes for Republicans since Ronald Reagan... go figure).

So, in order to make sure such "fascism" is never again allowed to rear it's ugly head in America, those who oppose Trump set up the "Trump Accountability Project".

This project aims to ensure that any Trump supporters are never allowed to further their careers or hold public office. They get named, shamed and held back in life. I guess this is the true definition of "equity" that left-wing people support?

This is supposedly the sure-fire way to ensure "fascism" is held at bay...

But, you may be wondering, isn't it fascist in nature?

Don't ask stupid questions, or you'll get "fact-checked" by Facebook, banned by Twitter, and slammed by the mainstream propaganda machine media.

Thankfully, after Joe Biden's calls for unity (which are sure to work, because they are just like Trump's calls for unity), the "Trump Accountabilty Project" was scrapped.

Can you imagine what life would be like if Biden hadn't called for unity?!?!

If the outcome of the election (as it's still not confirmed, despite what the media says) does go in Biden's favour, he'd better last out the full 4 years, because I'll bet this "Trump Accountability Project" will start up with a vengeance if Harris takes over.

* "logically challenged" because the election is currently still not confirmed, but the vast majority of people are brainwashed into thinking it is. And I'm not talking about Americans alone, I'm talking about the whole world, including leaders of other countries who have congratulated Biden on his "win" that he hasn't actually gained yet.

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