Saturday 12 March 2016

Combatting racism

"Great nations weren't built without a good dose of racism."

Said during a discussion on racism. It also applies to ethnic cleansing. Think about it.

If you're from a rich Western nation, then over the course of history there has been a crazy amount of racism, slavery and ethnic cleansing with all the wars over the centuries. Another nation doesn't agree with our ideology, so we attack them and put a stop to their 'evil' plans. We justify it with our own ideology because of course 'we are right!'

But the balance of power in the world is such that for one nation to become more powerful, another nation must become weaker. For one to become richer, another poorer. We claim to 'help the poor' but only so far as we can still be rich. The balance of power and wealth will never be restored because, deep down, we don't want equality: we always want to be that 'bit above' the others.

African and South American nations will remain poor, as will the slums and council estates. Unless, that is, the rich people of this world are prepared to part with enough of their wealth to become as one of them: fighting to earn their living, just to provide the food for the day.

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