Tuesday 28 June 2016


Shortly after the "Leave" result came through, I had one person tell me, "Over half of the UK are racist!"

Obviously, in this person's mind (as with many others, I've found), people who voted to leave the EU are now branded as racists. What amazing tolerance we have in the UK!

The irony is that it's not just about immigration: do people in the UK really want to be forced to accept EU laws? Do British citizens want to have their court rulings overridden by EU courts?

But concerning immigration, most of the people voting to leave the EU because of immigration did so because it has become unsustainable. It's not about "hating immigrants", it's about the UK not being able to cope.

Plus, when we visit non-EU countries, there are restrictions on our visit: visas, work permits, etc. Does that make every other country racist towards us? No, it doesn't. It simply puts the UK in line with other non-EU countries.

"Leave" voters are not (necessarily) racists. They just don't want the country spiralling out of the control of the elected government, to be guided by non-elected people of other countries. That's not the type of democracy that is wanted.

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