Wednesday 15 November 2017

Why the Leftist reaction is juvenile

Since the election (democratically, I would add) of Donald Trump in the US, there has been an incredible amount of activism from those who do not support him.

It's juvenile (immature and childish, for the educationally-challenged). Here's why:

1. In a democratic society, you vote to decide the government. Not everyone will vote for the person who gets elected, but that's democracy. To react against the elected leader is just like the child who doesn't get his/her* own way.

2. 'Social' issues such as transgenderism, gun control and race equality have dominated the media. These are all things that the political Left would like to change. The Left has become quite vocal about it, much like the little child who feels wronged by a parent and tries to justify his/her* preferences in the hope that he/she* can still get what he/she* wants.

3. Leftist groups have become very politically active, not only holding protests, but actively rioting. They have slandered, abused and shut down (also called 'no-platforming') people who don't share their views. They have vandalised property and even caused injury during such riots. This is just like the hormonally imbalanced teenager who thinks, "Punish me? Put me in my place? I'll show them!" It's essentially a bully tactic. It's a behaviour trait of the selfish brat who can't take correction and decides to cause more wrong and harm in response.

4. Young people (teenagers, especially) will do whatever they can to get their own way. They come up with the most ridiculous of excuses for things. One example (and this is completely true) is of a girl at school who said, "It's really hot in here!" It was suggested that, since it was summer, she took her jumper off. She responded "I can't do that... I'm not wearing a shirt!" Why wasn't she wearing a shirt? Because she wanted to wear a pink bra to school. The pink bra is visible through the white school shirt, which would land her in trouble. In order to hide the pink bra, she wore her school jumper. But to wear a shirt and a jumper would be far too hot, so she decided to lose the shirt.

The result? No one could see her bra anyway, so no one knew it was pink. The whole excuse was... so that she could wear a pink bra, presumably to make some sort of statement that she will not be forced to wear a white bra.

The Left does the same thing. They come up with all sorts of reasons for their ridiculous viewpoints. This is why we now have to put with 50+ genders in some cases. They clutch at straws to find a professor who will do some sort of pseudoscience to 'prove' that there's more than just male and female.

5. Extreme 'equality' all started with gay marriage. The false premise that marriage is only about two people who love each other led people to flirt with the idea of two people of the same sex getting married. This led to questions about relationships and gender. Not only is marriage being redefined, but gender is too. In fact, why put limits on sexuality at all? Incest is now being discussed, because the premise is: 'if two people love each other...'. This is why it's a false premise. It's just like the child who says, "Why are you telling me to be quiet, and not the other people who are talking? If you were a fair person, you would make sure everyone was treated the same!" Unfortunately, the child conveniently forgets that they were shouting expletives at the top of their voice, and the other children were whispering quietly. The logical process is misguided.

6. Teenagers used to be renowned for thinking they know everything and adults know nothing, then realising (in their 20s) that, in reality, they were wrong. Hence the comment, "When I was 16 I knew everything. When I was 21 I realised how much my parents had learned in the last 5 years!" Unfortunately, we have a wave of millennials who were poorly educated, spent too much time with Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and countless other 'social media' applications^ that they didn't bother to further their education outside of the institution that gave them their 'free' and 'entitled' education. These people have therefore never learned that, as a teenager, they still had a lot to learn, and so they think that those teenage views are perfectly valid and completely rational. And they are encouraging the new wave of teenagers to believe the same.

It really is time for them to grow up.

* Because the reality is that there are only two genders or sexes: male and female. Sorry to bust the bubble.
^ I wonder how many young people nowadays realise that 'app' is just an abbreviation of 'application'?

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