Thursday 22 December 2016

A "right" too far?

The current trend is for people to talk about their "rights". A "right" only exists if someone is there to uphold it. My "right" to freedom from bullying means absolutely nothing if someone decides to bully me. There is no protection, only a vague hope of punishment for the bully.

A child's "right" to education only exists if there are teachers willing to teach them. Ironically, this "right" to education seems (in some areas of the UK, at least) to have morphed into a "right" to a good grade: some pupils don't put the effort in and think that they are entitled to success because of their "rights".

I could start on how we need to forget "rights" and talk about responsibility (we have a responsibility not to bully people; pupils have a responsibility to study well if they want the good grades), but I want to address something else first.

In a recent article regarding using "genderless pronouns" to avoid offending a 'trans' person, an LGBT activist is reported saying: "It's about respecting people's right to define themselves as neither male nor female." (Although the article was also updated, the quote doesn't seem to have been taken back.)

My question is: do we really have a "right" to decide what gender we would prefer to be?

Sex change operations allow people to decide that they no longer wish to have the genitals they were born with. What's to stop the medical profession going a step further and experimenting with  swapping arms, legs, hands, feet and so on? Do I have a "right" to request that my feet be changed into hands so that I can pick things up and hold things with my feet?

Perhaps some things should not be considered "rights"...
I am not free to choose which nationality I'm born into.
I am not free to choose whether I grow up in a wealthy house or a poor house.
I am not free to choose which genitals I'm born with.

It all seems to point to a society which does not take any responsibility:
I have a responsibility to provide for my family if I am able to.
I have a responsibility not to bully other people.
I have a responsibility to study well so that I can be educated.
I have a responsibility to keep myself clean and not smelly.
I have a responsibility to help the needy.
I have a responsibility to develop a good reputation for the country I'm born into.
I have a responsibility to develop a good reputation for the gender I'm born with.

If we allow our society to take away "normality", then the result will be chaos.
It's interesting: so many children just want to be "normal", not identified with some medical condition or because of their intelligence level or because of the way they look. On the one hand, they want to be unique (character, hobbies), but they also want - and need - an element of normality. Fashion models have taken "attractiveness" to unreachable heights with the airbrushed look, and that's become a new "normal" that no one can attain. But the struggle for this "normality" is so clear as we look around at all the girls who wallow in their make-up and realise just hoe much money is spent on plastic surgery!

A recent book was published to advocate "gender diversity". Instead of encouraging people to feel secure with their gender, it promotes confusion and advocates learning environments for children which does not provide gender security because the bounds of normality have been moved.

But if we want a society which panders to people who choose to take offence, then...
I wish to be identified as a male (not something wishy-washy or "genderless").
I wish to be identified as married, as a husband (not as someone's "partner").
I wish to be identified as white (I didn't choose my skin colour, and although it's more peachy-pink, "white" will do fine).

Why is it considered "politically incorrect" if I decide to get offended over these things? Why is my voice not heard?

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