Wednesday 21 December 2016

Jesus vs. Santa #1

Since we're coming up to Christmas, I thought it would be interesting to think about why people prefer the make-believe of Santa Claus to the real celebration of the birth of Jesus the Messiah.

Now, I know that the Christians jumped in and did away with the pagan celebration of the 'Winter Solstice' and gave it a biblical make-over. In recent years I've found more people going back to the solstice celebrations so that they can avoid any religious meddling, claiming it's the true celebration for this time of year. But I'm not going to get into that. Leave the pagans (or pagan pretenders) out of it, I'm just comparing the traditional Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus with how a fictional character has somehow stolen the show.

#1 - Materialism and spirituality

Santa is all about giving material gifts: the things you can touch and feel.
Jesus came to give eternal life: something spiritual, but which is far more valuable.

People prefer material things, gaining worldly wealth and comparing themselves with others, which could be part of the reason why people prefer Santa.

Matthew 6:19-20

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