Monday 9 September 2019

But animals do it too!

A number of times I've heard the argument of "But animals do it too!" when having the homosexuality debate. "Therefore," the argument goes, "it's natural."

Well, if you say so...

Animals also fight to protect the lives of their unborn young.
"Therefore," says I, "if you want homosexuality to be natural, then so is the pro-life option!"

Stop killing babies. They don't have the privilege of being born yet... and I thought liberals fought the cause of the under-privileged.

Don't be a hypocrite. Give babies a chance.


  1. Good job fellow very annoyed person!
    BaggyT, I would fact-check your argument before you make it. If your logic is that we should do as animals do, then let's pick flies out of our hair and run around naked.

  2. I think you both misunderstand the post... it wasn't to say that we should do things just because animals do it, but rather that it's stupid to argue that humans should do something just because animals do it.

    I completely agree with "Me"'s argument, and it only further makes my point.

    The point is that it is hypocritical to say "Homosexuality is natural because sometimes this is seen in nature with other species" and then to say that women should have the "right" to kill their unborn child. That is selective reasoning. Such people need to be consistent, in which case there would be a lot of pro-LGBT people who are staunchly against abortion, or else the whole "homosexuality is natural" argument fails.
