Monday 1 June 2020

Twitter....... is a twit.

I have always been opposed to Twitter, mainly because of how obsessed people become over it. It's an unhealthy environment because people feel protected by the supposed "anonymity" that comes from hiding behind a computer and so they post highly ludicrous and offensive things, then get "triggered" when people call them out.

Despite all that, an experiment was done recently. The aim was to find out if there was any truth to the supposed "left-wing bias" that has led to Trump's "Social Media Executive Order". And so, a new account was created, a number of left- and right-wing people and news channels were followed, and some posts were created.

The posts were not designed to spread fake news, misinformation, or even a political agenda, simply the truth and the irony of certain viewpoints. (Incidentally, the next few posts on this blog will be like that.)

One post read:

Hitler orders rounding up and killing of Jews (a minority).
The Chinese Communist Party round up, torture, kill and organ harvest minorities (Falun Gong, Muslims, Christians, etc.)
Yet Trump is worse because some people died from a virus out of his control???

As mentioned previously, nothing untruthful about it. Fake news media (e.g. CNN) frequently degrade and demean Trump. I heard one news spokesperson describe Trump as "literally Hitler". Apart from the complete linguistic inaccuracy of the word "literally", it just simply isn't true: Trump has not killed 6 million people, Jews or otherwise, by gassing or otherwise. Trump has had no control over who lives and who dies in the pandemic. Blaming him is idiotic. You might as well blame you mother, for all the truth it would be.

Another post contained the following picture (from a CNN article):
and criticised CNN by highlighting that their opposition to Trump's "Executive Order" suggests that they should be allowed to continue editing their articles in "bad faith".

Anyway, The experiment lasted less than 12 hours, as the account was locked. But here's where it gets darker.

Twitter wants your phone number. The way to unlock an account is to provide them with a phone number.
Why do they need this?

From a brief search on the internet, Twitter wants to be able to track people. You should never need to provide your phone number for a service that can be used entirely on the computer. I understand if it is being used on a phone, but not if the user intends to only use it off a phone.

Hence, Twitter......... is a twit.

But it gets worse!

Twitter has a privacy policy that says that private information, such as personal phone numbers shouldn't be shared. But they want your phone number. So a user has to give away something that the company views and non-shareable private data, in order to use their "service". What hypocrisy!!

Hence, Twitter......... is a twit.

But certain things are not in violation of the policy, such as sharing "gossip, rumour, accusations and allegations". In other words, while you are not allowed to abuse or harass people (as per this policy), you are perfectly at liberty to spread false information and accusations about people. (A nice policy to allow people to spread hatred and misinformation against Trump.) What hypocrisy!!

Hence, Twitter......... is a twit.

And to top it all off, in the name of "authenticity":
"You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter."
And yet Twitter chose to "fact-check" Trump when he said something truthful, by sending people to the all-reliable fact-checkers known as CNN (yes, that's sarcasm). CNN have a reputation of hatred and animosity towards Trump, which are meant to be the sort of things mentioned in Twitter's policies... What hypocrisy!!

And, of course, Twitter also says:
"You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote."
Well, the amount of blocked content, suppressed tweets and the number of people that want Trump banned from Twitter are all attempts to interfere in the upcoming election. So far Twitter hasn't banned Trump, but they are mighty close to this line.

Hence, Twitter......... is a twit.

And Jack Dorsey is an idiot.

I shall not be joining Twitter. Especially not if they want my number.

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