Monday 1 June 2020

Violent "protestors" are idiots.

Amid all the rioting going on in the US, one thing is clear: if you become violent, you're an idiot.

Here's why:

The supposed "anger" is over a white cop who killed a black man, George Floyd, who was already under arrest and on the ground. A terrible situation, to be sure, and one that needs justice.

Peaceful protests are admirable and lawful (especially in the US), and are great ways to bring about change (e.g. Martin Luther King, Jr.).

When a protest turns violent, it is no longer about justice, it's about vengeance. More people have already been killed due to the protests. How many people need to die in order for "justice" to be achieved? Why should innocent lives be sacrificed for this end?

The violence has spawned vandalism, looting, assault and all sorts of anarchy... in the name of "justice".

Destroying property, assaulting people, stealing, etc., are all criminal offences. Why do those doing these things think they should get away with it? Is that "justice" for one person being killed?

The rioters get angry when one of their own gets hurt and needs medical attention... but then attack the police who come to help the injured person (see this video). What idiocy!

And when those same police officers try to leave, the rioters chase them and continue attacking them... so it's not enough that the police are leaving? When is it enough... when the police are dead??

And what about those who wave signs saying "Abolish the police"? And then what? How do you keep order? Through mob rule??

And what about those who wave signs saying "No lives matter until black lives do"? Really? You think it's okay to go around killing innocent people simply because you feel your minority group is being treated unfairly?

And what about those chanting "Shoot the white folk"? Is that justice? One black person dies unfairly at the hands of a white police officer, and now you want all white people dead? Is that justice?

Black communities have been burned down.
Black businesses have been vandalised and looted.
Black people have been injured.
All by "protestors".
You can't complain that black people suffer at the hands of white people, when you are doing this to your own communities!
What a bunch of idiots!!

If this is "justice", then I am so, so, SO glad that these people are not in power!
Is it Trump's fault? I bet that's what the media will now try to claim.
No, it's the rioters' fault. They are causing this destruction.
You want rid of the police? You'd prefer a mafia? Tribalism?

You know, I really do think I'm better than all you "protestors". Because of "white supremacy"? No.
Because I think conversation and discussion are better than destruction.
Because I think all lives matter, equally, no matter what colour, creed or race.
Because I respect those who serve my community by keeping law and order, whether they be black or white.
Because I respect all human beings due to them being human beings.
Because I will not reduce a person or people group to a colour.
Because I accept that all people make mistakes, even cops.
Because I value justice and proper investigations into wrongdoing.
Because I accept that I can be proven wrong when shown the facts and evidence.
Because I do not hold the present generation to account for the wrongs of past generations.
Because I care about civility.
Because I care about respect.
Because I care more about listening to people than shouting at them.
Because I hold love higher than my own personal vendetta.

And because I can accept it when someone disagrees with me,
has different ideas to me,
and votes differently to me.

That's why I am better than you.
You can be better.
It's all about choices.

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