Thursday 8 March 2018

Establishing dominance over a country

In times gone by, when an invading nation wanted to establish their control over their new territory, the option of simply killing everyone wasn't good, as it would mean the invading nation would have to spread itself very thinly (play a game of 'Risk' and you'll understand). An alternative had to be found.

Instead, the invading nation would 'water down' the civilisation of the nation it wished to control. It would do this in two ways:
1. Move citizens of the country to be taken over into the invading nation's homeland (exile, essentially).
2. Grant land in the new territory to citizens of the invading nation's homeland, to establish the culture of the invading nation.

This option worked well, as it would mean there are still people to work the land, pay taxes and keep the economy going.

Fast-forward to modern-day. What's with this mass migration and the push for 'open borders'? The current ideology of 'we must be tolerant' and 'let's not be xenophobic' and 'loving our neighbour clearly means giving them land in our own country' is essentially that second form of invading a country.

What am I trying to say? That politicians are trying to enforce a national takeover by their forcing of countries to take in more immigrants unquestioningly.

The only problem is, the people who are settling in the land aren't bringing economic benefits... they're taking as much free money as possible from a welfare system that's out of control.*

* I'm not against a welfare system that actually helps the citizens in need, in such a way that the citizens are encouraged to take their responsibility of working and paying back into the system that has helped them. I am against a welfare system that just gives out to people who waste money on non-essential things at the expense of needy citizens.

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