Sunday 11 March 2018

The scariest video

Not scary as in making you jump, but scary in it's content, the video below is absolutely shocking.

I saw a video recently about Math (because it was American) being racist. Seriously? Maths is the very definition of objectivity! There is no way possible for Maths to be 'racist'... if I buy something that costs £3.70 and I pay with a £5 note, then I will expect £1.30 change. My change is not dependent on my ethnicity or whatever gender I may happen to feel at the time. Can you imagine?
  • £3 change if you're Asian
  • £0.20 change if you're white
  • £1.90 if you're a woman
  • £4.30 if you're Muslim
  • £10 if you're black (sorry, a 'person of colour')
  • £200 if you're a mixed-race trans used-to-be-female but now identifies as a moon-goat
  • and if you're a white male and... dare I say it... Christian, there's an extra £50 tax
No. Maths is not racist.

In the video, a book is mentioned, entitled "Race, Class & Gender: An Anthology." I'm tempted to buy it, so that I can gain an insight into this crazy ideology that is the Left. One comment agrees with the professor in the video, that page 14 says:

"Objectivity as found through rational thought is a Western and masculine concept that we will challenge through this text."

I'm genuinely interested to see how they can possibly defend that notion. Can objectivity be found without rational thought? Or perhaps the author would prefer subjectivity instead? Because, if you take away rational thought, you get subjectivity.

What does it do to science? "Today, folks, gravity won't exist. Why? Because I don't feel like it!"

If such a statement gains popularity, civilisation is over. But looking at the world today... perhaps it's already too late. I still cling to hope.

And rational thought.

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