Saturday 10 March 2018

SJWs and logic

I recently came across the video below.

Unfortunately, things such as average height, muscle mass, location of fat deposits really ARE different between men and women. So is the recommended calorie intake. And how blood alcohol content is calculated.

This is because - despite the rise of 'complete equality' - men and women really do have some basic differences. (You know, there's always the good old 'women have the babies' things which shows a big difference between the sexes.)

It's not just between men and women. Nationality can also play a part. BMI for Asians is calculated differently. Have a look at this photo of the sizes of a t-shirt:
This shows that in the USA, people are so much bigger that an American 'medium' size is equivalent to an Asian 'extra large'!

These are simply the facts.

The video below shows a bunch of SJWs getting 'triggered' (that's the politically correct word for 'irrationally offended') at these facts. But that's not the real issue here.

People are free to get offended at whatever they want (just please don't force 'free speech' to die because of those irrational tantrums). My issue is with them likening people who accept the facts to 'Nazis'.

And here's why:

Think about the logical conclusion to this line of thought. (I know logic is not strong with these SJWs.) If logically thinking people who treat observed occurrences as fact (i.e. most scientists: they make observations and draw conclusions which the rest of society are meant to accept as 'fact') are being called 'Nazis'..........

Does that mean that the infamous Jew-killing monstrosity was simply a logically thinking person? Perhaps he was even a scientist??? Perhaps the SJWs think the Holocaust was just some grand social experiment?

The lesson in all this: if a person fancies themselves an SJW, they need to learn when to keep their mouth shut, because all too often they just end up being a big embarrassment.

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